Our firm is like no other in the water treatment industry. Risen Water® is essentially the sister-company of a well-established, top-tier manufacturer’s sales representative/distributor in the southeast U.S., Cornerstone H2O. Through our affiliation with Cornerstone H2O, we have hundreds of treatment solutions to solve water quality problems – and trusted relationships with municipalities, industrial users, and consulting engineers that are decades old. As we come across applications or treatment needs that are not sufficiently and/or economically addressed by solutions available in the marketplace, Risen Water® comes into the picture. Through Risen Water,® a solution may be created, patented, designed, fabricated, installed, tested, and even rolled out throughout the country.
We are staffed by highly credentialed individuals with diverse, complementary backgrounds.
Our personnel have designed entire treatment facilities, operated and managed water systems, led corporate turn-arounds, and launched new products from development all the way to sale and full commercialization. With Professional Engineer (P.E.), Class I Operator’s License, MBA, and other notable qualifications, we are well-suited to carry out a variety of valuable services.
We are proud to announce that Jared Holindrake is the newest addition to our company. He holds a Bachelor and Master’s in Mechanical Engineering as well as a Master in Business Administration all from the University of Utah. Jared has 14 years professional experience in the water industry specifically in Municipal Water and Mining applications. He also has many years’ experiences in heavy steel fabrication, welding, and machining. Jared previously managed the Inlet Product group at Ovivo creating large- and small-scale screen solutions in North America. In his free time He likes to ski the backcountry in Utah and build classic cars in his shop.